Growing in the Cracks

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAVines flower on the face of ancient walls. Trees grow in the cracks between alpine rocks. Wherever, however, life manages to find a way.

How have you managed to create beauty in an inhospitable environment?

2 thoughts on “Growing in the Cracks”

  1. Growing up in a small Appalachian town, the child of working poor, Southern Baptists, playing in the shadows of factories and coal tipples, daily life was an “inhospitable environment”. “Spare the rod and spoil the child” was more than just a catchy phrase in our family. It was the sum total of my parent’s philosophy toward child rearing.

    Even though I was physically trapped in that environment, I learned at an early age, that I could escape my surroundings through art and music. I became immersed in creative ventures that even occasionally elicited praise from my otherwise stern, stoic and often indifferent parents.

    My imagination is one of my most valued assets. That spark of creativity has sustained me throughout my life and it has opened a lot of doors. In times of loneliness it’s been a comfort and in times of joy, a means of celebration. I am grateful for this gift, regardless of how I first came into possession of it.

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