
The game of Monopoly invites players to spend hours scheming how to control all the properties on the board, so as to be able to siphon everyone’s money into the hands of the one most successful player. It seems like an odd goal to encourage in our children.

How would you describe “winning” in a game that reflected your financial values?

One thought on “Monopoly”

  1. In addition to this example of playing to win all in the game of Monopoly, there are numerous other examples on TV, ads in newspapers and so forth that tell the story that being successful in having money and therefore having things is the way to be happy and successful especially in the sight of others. In a society based on capitalism, it is likely the inevitable, but hopefully, we still retain our sense of moral obligation and pride in relating to each other as human beings who can enjoy lives together without the support of how much money we gain.

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