A blizzard is an invading force, an unstoppable take-over. Or snow is an insulating blanket, bringing silence and an insistent peace. Like pretty much anything, what it feels like depends largely on what you bring to the situation.
What do you enjoy that many people find scary or undesirable?
During my life, I have spend times walking to or from my destination in a soft, warm rain. I enjoy the feeling of intimacy, covered up in my raincoat and hat, being in a comfortable little cozy place. Seeing the effects of the rain on the ground, eddying out in widening circles, was such a surprise to me that I couldn’t believe I’d never noticed it before. Even, shaking off the drops from my coverings seemed to me to be a delight. I’m recognizing that the warm soft rains that come are my favorites because I have also been trapped in cold, biting cold rains that were almost unbearable.