

Where in your body do you physically feel pain or discomfort? Spend a moment envisioning that spot surrounded with warmth, light, and acceptance of the flawed state it is in.



To Be Joyfully Determined 

by Joshua Mason Pawelek, minister, Unitarian Universalist Society: East, Manchester, Connecticut

Happiness and fulfillment, says Ben-Shahar, come from what we choose to see and seek, what we choose to focus our attention on. These days it can be difficult to see goodness, dignity, worth and wholeness, let alone bring it into our lives. In a world facing potentially catastrophic climate change; in the midst of tragic land wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a more amorphous and seemingly unending war on terror; in the midst of an economic recession with enormous housing and job insecurity; in the midst of a first world culture focused on material consumption and addicted to corporate media—in the midst of all this breaking and brokenness, all these generators of fear, anxiety and numbness, all these demonstrations of human shortsightedness, arrogance, selfishness, and sinfulness—how do we focus on what is working well, on what brings joy, on what brings happiness and fulfillment? Tal Ben-Shahar says, “Practice.” MORE


Join us at 7 pm ET tonight for our service of Reflection & Connection:


3 thoughts on “Sunday”

  1. This was the best thing I have read that explains my life of the past 6 months. THANK YOU. I am researching what Universalist Unitarianism is….because I am not connected to my Catholic roots anymore. I love what you teach. THANK YOU AGAIN. I think I may have found my spiritual home!!!

  2. This is the best thing that the CLF has ever done! For years I urged that the CLF move on from just being Quest, and become a presence on the internet, and now, finally, it has happened. The new minister has done a tremendous job of making the CLF so much more relevant. Michael Slane

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