Sunday, March 18: “Imagine that you have been forgiven…”


Imagine that you have been forgiven – absolutely and for everything. How might that change how you feel inside? How might that change how you treat others?


“A Pattern So Vast”

I remember a particular time when I narrowly escaped a bad crash. It was my fault. In a confused moment I turned left against the light. The oncoming car screamed to a stop and saved us both. I was so rattled I immediately pulled over into the closest parking area, just to get my breath and fall apart a little.

When the other car followed and pulled up beside me I braced myself. The guy who got out of the old Chevy was twenty-something with tattoos, and he was gonna let me have it. I was ready—I’d been stupid. But what this young man did was come over to me with a face full of concern, as he asked politely, “Are you okay?” He asked me, the negligent one, if I was okay, after I’d nearly killed him. I felt something release way down in my chest. It was beyond personal. He not only gave me back my dignity; he redeemed the whole human race.

One thing I understood, right then, was that the hardest thing, ultimately, is to be the perpetrator. And I got a better understanding of something else, too—something Jesus reportedly said to his disciples when they complained about the sudden generosity of a former sinner. Jesus said, essentially: “One who has been forgiven much, loves much.”

 by Kate Tucker, Associate Minister, First Universalist Church of Minneapolis


Join us at 7 pm ET tonight for our service of Reflection & Connection:

One thought on “Sunday, March 18: “Imagine that you have been forgiven…””

  1. This day is my Momma ‘s birthday. She’s been gone many years now, but this is what she and my Daddy always taught us. What a wonderful way to remember and celebrate the best of who she is to me. Sometimes, it was hard for her to forgive.
    But just because it was hard didn’t stop her from trying, and she succeeded most times. We fall down, get up, and keep trying.
    Thanks for the reminder.

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