Sunday, April 8: The Impossible and the Laughable



How will you be re-born today?

The Impossible and the Laughable

I believe that we are religious when we allow ourselves to be constantly surprised and awed by the world’s complexities. “People flock to religion not in spite of the fact that it’s laughable, but precisely because of it,” says UU minister Rob Hardies. “The reason people come to church on Easter is to look for hope…. The church is the repository of human hope…. The church is the place where we stash away those stories of hope for when we and the world need them most.”

The richly-textured fabric of our Unitarian Universalist community holds countless stories of hope. Those stories give us reason to trust that the impossible can happen. What impossible things does your heart yearn for? What hopes, if you named them out loud, would seem laughable?

Is the “impossible,” for you, the hope that you might emerge on the other side of some harrowing inner struggle?

Is it laughable to think that whatever’s burdening your heart right now might grow lighter, until one day it’s gone?

Does “peace” seem impossible to you? Is it laughable to think that we human beings could live in peace in the Middle East? Between the gang zones in your own city? In our own families?

Or perhaps what seems impossible is that our culture will one day reflect the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Is it so laughable to believe that you’re nothing less than beautiful, nothing less than whole?

These are all religious matters, every one of them. Do they seem laughable? Do they seem impossible?

Let us decide, nevertheless, to be religious.

by the Rev. Erika Hewitt TO READ MORE