Tuesday, April 10: A World-Wide Journey




What would you need to give up to let something new in your life?



A World-Wide Journey

I didn’t have the choice of where to live when I was a child. It wasn’t until my third year in college that I had a choice of where I wanted to live and what direction I wanted my life to go. It was then that it became clear to me that my life would not go in the direction my family, or I, had thought it would. As soon as I started questioning the Muslim journey, I realized that I would rock the boat with my family in a way that would forever change how I would be in the world. I would give up the security and stability of being held by the people who raised me if I chose a path that would take me away from Islam. So I did just that. I could not be dishonest with the God who I was raised to believe knew what was in my heart and soul…

Journeys are what happens when we let life take us on a ride. I try to “plan” in life, but like the saying goes, “You make plans and God laughs.” To me, it is more important to be open to new experiences and flexible when need be.

by Aisha Hauser TO READ MORE