Saturday, April 14: Transformation Is




No chick would break out of its shell if it were still comfortable inside.





Transformation Is

Early on, I grew to love tramping through the woods hunting edible mushrooms. The little depressions filled with pine litter that bloomed after a rain in late summer into a patch of golden chanterelles, the snag that drew woodpeckers seeking sustenance flushing twice a year with the heavy fruit of sulfur shell, the sandy dry patches that bore tiny black trumpets were each and all seasonal treasures of transformation. One wonderful and magical place became yet another. The leaf litter changed to leaf mold and then back to earth and from that once again mushrooms, herbs, and trees grew anew.

Once we harvested those mushrooms, of course, another transformation went on – we washed and cut and cooked them. Those fungi nourished us, changing again. And what we did not eat or could not use went into the compost, to change again to nourishing earth.

Transformation is life, including the transformation that results in death and decay.

by Rev. Naomi King TO READ MORE