Sunday, April 22: A Quest for Spiritual Nourishment


Today, do something to shift your perspective – sit in a different spot, talk to a different person, take a different route or mode of transport to work.

A Quest for Spiritual Nourishment

Being a lay leader in my congregation, I encounter people all the time who have been hurt and wounded by religious experiences in the past. Many, like me at one point, feel animosity toward a Christianity they believe has failed them. My advice to them would be to keep seeking the truth. See that we are all human beings on a spiritual journey, and we all have a way to go. I still don’t call myself a Christian; however, I try to live the best life that I can in accordance with my understanding of God and God’s purpose for me. I think that’s a value that most Christians (and I don’t really mind being mistaken for one from time to time!) can agree with and strive toward.

I don’t know exactly what the future holds for me, but I sure am overjoyed to have found a place where I can get the spiritual nourishment I need to continue moving forward.

by Adrian Hilliard TO READ MORE