Finding Your Tribe



Where does the homesick snail belong? – Ric Masten




Finding Your Tribe

Where do you feel at home? Where do you feel lost and detached from who you are and where you belong? Often, the answers to these questions have little to do with geography. At one point or another, most of us have felt lost and alone in our own homes, when it seemed like our family didn’t recognize or value us, or when it seemed like a spouse or dear friend willfully denied our true self. And, if we are lucky, many of us have experienced walking into a crowd of strangers and feeling perfectly at home, welcomed into a place where we instantly belonged.

It’s always hard to open a door, to meet a new set of people, never quite knowing whether this time we will find our people, the tribe we have been searching for, or whether we will feel even more like strangers once we cross the threshold. It’s easy to assume that the people who look or sound or dress the most like us will provide the key to where we will feel most at home. But the moments when we can transcend those assumptions and look for deeper connections of heart, mind and purpose are the places where magic can happen, where we can find home in a place that is totally new.