Entering the World Differently



“Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.”
― ee cummings



Entering the World Differently

For me, one of the greatest joys in life is the feeling of my brain expanding, of learning something new, or understanding something I’ve long known in a new way. Nothing is quite as exciting as that shift of perspective, the moment when the light bulb turns on in your head. For instance, one day at a botanical garden I learned that flowers are full of markings that we never see – they show in the range of light that bees see in, but we can’t. Of course! Flowers, those mainstays of what we mean by beauty, are not beautiful for us, they are beautiful for bees. What we think of them is an evolutionary afterthought. Once again, it turned out that I was not the center of the universe.

But the trick of those beautiful moments of insight, whether they be intellectual or spiritual, is what happens next. What do we do with what we know? How will we allow ourselves to be changed? How will we enter the world differently because of what we have learned? Who, now, will learn with us?