Surprised by Joy…and Mud!



Spirit of gladness, open my heart to delight.

Surprised by Joy…and Mud!

I am not a spontaneous person by nature. I do recognize that, from time to time, I need a vacation from all the planning and preparing. These breaks tell me that the earth doesn’t stop spinning if I watch a little baseball before doing the dinner dishes. They help me see that some of my best experiences are unplanned. They remind me that I can’t prepare for every eventuality. During these breaks, I am often surprised by joy. Because it may be disguised as a muddy mess, it helps if I’m paying attention to how I’m feeling when it arrives. Sitting in the muck instead of my kayak on one Saturday, I felt free of concern for a short time, happy to be in the company of friends who could laugh with me, and glad to be part of the mess of life. Joy is something I can’t schedule or plan for – I need to be spontaneous enough to entertain it when it surprises me!

by Iris Hardin  TO READ MORE