
So often apologies from politicians or corporate spokespeople only add insult to the original injury. “I regret that I misspoke.” “I’m sorry that my words were misunderstood.” But a genuine, heartfelt apology, which names the offense clearly and offers restitution, can bring about true healing.

How has an apology—yours or another person’s—made a difference in your life?”

One thought on “Apologies”

  1. Greetings, All! Dwayne, here!
    The most profound apology ever made in my Life was during the reconciliation between my father and I. He was dying – in the midst of a two year battle with cancer. I was a recovering alcoholic. I came home to dry-out; and to help my mother look after Dad, and to help look after the place, in general – stuff Dad would have liked to be doing, if he’d been able (chopping wood and seeing that it was put in the barn to dry; and, once dry, bringing it into the porch so Mum could load up the stove in the morning … sweeping up and doing dishes, sometimes cooking – so she could look after Dad, as his health continued to fail; etc.). On one weekend, when we were all home, Dad asked us into is bedroom – one at a time. He’d raised me in a physically/mentally abusive manner (him being military & religious – he had predetermined perspectives on how any son of his should behave – lol).
    We forgave each other; and we talked – cleared the air; in a very quiet, gentle manner. It taught me one of my greatest Life-lessons ……. [“Apologies”/”Atonement” is not meant to be carried out in a bitter or vindictive spirit.] Simple enough – common sense, to be sure – but oh, when wounded by another; how quickly we can forget that simple Truth.
    Peace, Hope, & Bright Blessings!

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