Not Like the Other

“One of these things is not like the other,” they used to sing on Sesame Street, “one of these things just doesn’t belong.” The game was to guess what item didn’t fit as part of a set. But they sing the song differently now. The good folks of Sesame Street have figured out that being different from those around you doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t belong.

Is there anywhere in your life where you are obviously different from others in your “set,” yet you still feel that you belong?

5 thoughts on “Not Like the Other”

  1. That place is the bricks and mortar United Church of Christ where I worship in community. The reader board says “All are welcome” and the community lives the welcoming. Blessed be.

  2. Does anyone know what the new lyrics are? I’ve tried to find them via Google and have had no success.

    In the few groups I’ve felt like I belonged, I knew the people well enough to see they were all radically different from each other yet still had some striking similarities. Because of this, I didn’t feel like I was the one person who was completely different while everyone else was the same.

    For example, I used to go to a support group where I was by far the youngest. Everyone else was old enough to be my parent. At first, that made me feel different. However, once I got to know the people I saw that there were other things that set each individual apart from the rest and that we still all had aspects that were the same. I stopped thinking about my age. I’ve had similar experiences with other groups as well.

  3. Is there anywhere in your life where you are obviously different from others in your “set,” yet you still feel that you belong?…
    I am a UU-Pagan, attending a pentecostal church; because:
    a) no other UUs around;
    b) none of the local Pagans are interested in fellowship; and,
    c) the particular church I attend trust their concept of “God” enough to actually LIVE the gospel of “Grace”, and accept me where i am on my own spiritual Path. They, simply, encourage me (gently – no forceful prayers or other dumb shit like that) to continue along my Path, into a closer relationship with my Higher Power;and, of course – they are Pentecostal – they chat, pray, and encourage me to move closer to their doctrine…but not in any way that makes me feel forced-out. So, I think they are pretty cool! 🙂

  4. The new version of the Sesame Street song goes:

    One of these things is not like the other.
    Which one is different, do you know?
    Can you guess which thing is not like the other?
    I’ll tell you if it’s so.

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