Faster than the Speed of Light

“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” –Terry Pratchett

What mystery is always waiting for you, no matter how fast you travel?

2 thoughts on “Faster than the Speed of Light”

  1. As a Religious Naturalist I tend to view my life with a sense of mystery and wonder. Sometimes the most amazing things happen when I am least expecting it. It remains a mystery to me how I can be blessed with such abundance, not just with material wealth, but also with real, loving relationships that can’t be bought with money. Color me grateful.

  2. What mystery is always waiting for you, no matter how fast you travel?…
    Does anyone truly – loyally, intimately, forever – love me?
    Namaste & Bright Blessings!

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