A Good Book

In the pages of a book our imagination meets the imagination of the author, and page by page something new is created in the space between two people who will most likely never meet. How’s that for a miracle?

What have you discovered lately between the pages of a book (or e-reader)?

5 thoughts on “A Good Book”

  1. My most recent book was purchased from the UUA Bookstore. I recommend it for everyone who is interested in promoting social justice and Liberal Religion.


    Reclaiming Prophetic Witness: Liberal Religion in the Public Square by Paul Rasor

    In this clarion call to action, leading Unitarian Universalist theologian Paul Rasor dispels the myth that conservative Christianity is the only valid religious voice in the national debates on social policy. Showing that religious liberals are more numerous than many realize, he calls on them to embrace their prophetic heritage and bring their religious convictions to bear on the issues of our time. Reclaiming Prophetic Witness will lift your spirit, while inspiring you to lift your voice and reclaim a place in the public square.

  2. I love the image of something new being created in the space between author and reader. I teach young children, and whenever I read them a book, I always say, “It was written for YOU by …” encouraging them to develop their own relationship with the author through the story.

  3. The argument, from a Catholic philosopher (Joseph Pieper), that leisure is the basis of Western culture.

  4. I was feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and quite irritable last night. I decided to finish reading a children’s book. I found amusement and a break from my life. Once I was done with it, I felt calmer and more able to deal with the world at large.

  5. It does not matter whether I read fiction or non-fiction, I love those “A HA” moments. Sometimes I laugh, cry, or even get goosebumps. I wonder if the author has a similar experience when they are writing their manuscript.

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