Tending the Wires

Dr. King said that we are “caught in an inescapable network of mutuality,” and many of us identify with the Interdependent Web as an image of the complex web of relationships which encompasses all beings. But many of our relationships depend on the tangible web of wires which make possible our connections via phone and internet. And these wires only continue to connect us if they are tended and maintained.

What will you do today to tend to some connection that matters to you?

2 thoughts on “Tending the Wires”

  1. What will you do today to tend to some connection that matters to you?…
    Study & meditate … I have an initial meet-n-greet coming up with a new Accolyte. As her Mentor, Teacher, and Protector – I want to tread slowly; and ensure she feels safe, secure, loved, and respected, for who she is … each step along the way. My “job” is to help her to “release” her inner, “feral”-spirit — This will create some new tensions and changes in her life; as her current mate sees himself as her “Dom”, and she is tired of it, and his ego is threatened by the thought of her moving forward without him. So it is also my job, too continue guiding her, along her new Primal-Path. … Prayers & Blessings, as I Guide here, would be much appreciated; even though I have been doing this since I began the Shaman’s Path, at age-10.
    Namaste & Bright Blessings!

  2. I signed onto Skype to see if a friend I haven’t talked to in a while was on. I only see her on Skype and I don’t often sign on just to see if she’s there. I lucked out this time and was able to have a nice conversation.

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