Made by Hand

There is nothing quite like the feeling of creation, of taking basic materials and using your craft and imagination to build something that wasn’t there before. Making something of clay or wood or fiber, of metal or words or sound, we participate in our own creation myth, bringing something to light that didn’t exist before we took it upon ourselves to create. In that moment of creation we become divine.

What do you create?

4 thoughts on “Made by Hand”

  1. The creative process is something I live for. I play several string instruments, dabble in oil and acrylic painting and I enjoy photography. I took a week long class is life casting the human body last summer. I have a neat casting of my face and hand that are proudly on display in my home. I plan to cast my wife’s foot next. (She has pretty feet)

    I also find great joy in landscaping my property or remoldling a room in my house. Occasionally, I am lucky enough to apply my creative energies to my job in an engineering capacity, solving problems and bringing new solutions to the table. Imagination is the key element. The satisfaction comes from taking that initial spark and making something real and lasting from it.

  2. As a teacher, there have been numerous things that I have created; lessons, tests, powerpoints, and bulletin boards. But I have also developed various skils in my students; compassion, tenacity, patience, and empathy.

    But perhaps the creation I am most proud of is the creation I have had the most help developing; my son.

    1. That’s the most divine creation any mother could ever do! I honor all mothers that develope their children!

  3. I never quite think of myself as divine when doing or making anything, but this now makes a lot of sense to me. Taking the raw goods that god has made and using them to make something else, something NEW, and becoming divine as well. That is the definition of AWESOME!

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