Fallout Shelter

Wouldn’t it be great if it were possible to build shelters that would protect us from the fallout of our unfortunate choices? In these little bunkers we wouldn’t have to deal with the unkind words we said to our spouse, our procrastination on an important work project, the effects of excessive drinking or the lie that was supposed to make things easier. Unfortunately, attempts to hide from the fallout of our choices rarely are successful, and often make things worse.

How have you chosen to step out from a protective bunker and face the results of your choices?

3 thoughts on “Fallout Shelter”

  1. When I leave my “fallout shelter”, I rely on my “support system”. This system is comprised of many things; family, friends, but most importantly, my UU faith. I am slowly realizing that when I carry these “accessories” with me, I can face any situation, and its outcome.

  2. Given the choice between playing it safe or taking a risk, more often than not I will chose the latter. I believe, in the end, we regret the things we didn’t do more than the things we did. I’m willing to take my chances and accept what comes from it. Life is short and there is no reward without risk. I have a favorite quote I keep in my head to remind me of this reality.

    “I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death.”

  3. This Compass is especially valuable. My fits of anger just pass away but I have no way to face up to my procrastination.

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