Settling Down

A swan is an awkward creature in the air or on the land. Only on the water does it achieve the full, graceful elegance of a being in its native element.

Where do you feel most grace-filled and at home?

One thought on “Settling Down”

  1. I feel the greatest connection and flow with the life-force in my coaching practice and among the healers and mystics of the world.
    “In his dialogue Republic, Plato uses Socrates to argue for justice that covers both the just person and the just City State. Justice is a proper, harmonious relationship between the warring parts of the person or city.” ~Wikipedia
    The above quote reminds me of the Hebrew idea of the soul, as a community of inner voices, mirrored in the outer voices of the community. If then we seek peace we must begin with inner peace. This means we must also encourage the participation of healers. This psychological dimension is forgotten in our political pursuit of social justice.

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