
Some ambitious architects have created buildings with gilded domes, but the sunrise coats the entire landscape in gold, a prospect no human artist could even conceive of managing.

What has been given to you that is utterly beyond your power to create for yourself?

2 thoughts on “Sunrise”

  1. I really miss being able to see the images on my iPad. As a visual person, this makes a huge difference to me. The images used to appear but I get only a string of code now. Solutions?

  2. For 24 years now, a disabling chronic illness has molded me. As a youth I made plans for “creating” my own life. These dreams were shattered as forces beyond my power brought both hardship and blessing. Perhaps I control my response to circumstances; yet so much of who I am, where I am and what I can do is “given” to me. Even when my situation is unpleasant, though, I find beauty in my life. I just need to remember to look for it.

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