Jumping on the Bridge

JumpingOnTheBridgeThe joy of a small suspension bridge is that you can bounce on it, sending a wave of motion down the length to jog whoever might be further along than you. Of course we know that our actions have an impact on others, but we rarely get to see the effect so directly.

What little leap will you take today to affect the life of someone else?

2 thoughts on “Jumping on the Bridge”

  1. Monitoring the Oklahoma Core Curriculum Testing at an elementary school where I volunteer is as exciting as watching paint dry. Without the monitors, the testing cannot proceed. Bottom line: my being there has an impact on the students. Today I watched 4th graders take two sections of the mathematics tests. Were they struggling? Were they confident? I have no idea, but I watch them and send them my thought waves of support and encouragement.

  2. I’m a bodyworker, so I have the joy almost daily of seeing the positive changes in my clients’ bodies that flow from the gift that I am able to share with them. It is indeed a gift & a privilege to be able to do so – especially at almost 70.

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