Sand Castle

SandCastleSand sculptors put hours of work and a lifetime of craft into building elaborate structures that will soon be obliterated by wind and water. It seems foolish, but then many castles built of stone have been ruined by wind and water across the ages.

What do you put your whole self into creating, even though you know it won’t last?

3 thoughts on “Sand Castle”

  1. I’ve decorated cookies and cakes knowing that they will soon be eaten no matter how they look like. My brother often makes photos of them, but they themselves are quickly consumed.

    In a way, the music I make never lasts. Once the last note fades, it’s gone. Sure, the memory and muscles to play it again remain and I can even record myself so that the moment is captured; still – music remains transitory. That’s actually one of the reasons I like it: the mistakes are over in an instant rather than permanent features I need to live with.

  2. I make this one special and elaborate dessert, which I sometimes serve at Christmas or Thanksgiving. It takes days and it is beautiful and delicious. Alas, it is quickly gone and the compliments I receive last longer than the flavor.

  3. Just got back from vacation. We spend a lot of time raising money and working so that we may have these precious moments with our families.

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