A Big Mouth

A Big MouthHas anyone ever told you that you have a big mouth? Certainly there are times when it’s best if we manage to hold our tongues. But change in the world happens largely because of the people who are willing to open their mouths, and keep opening them, until the world listens to what they have to say.

When have you been proud to open your mouth and speak your truth?

2 thoughts on “A Big Mouth”

  1. I am proud that I live in a red state and publicly spoke up at town hall meetings and letters to the editor in favor of healthcare reform. I was shouted down and called names by the other side but I was not detered. As a last resort, the opponents to change will often stoop to bullying and fear mongering but we mustn’t allow that to be the deciding factor in matters of conscience. Ghandi said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Keep the faith.

  2. My job requires me to speak up every day for the working class and manufacturingg towns like mine. Every day I am speaking my truth. If only everyone could have such an ability.

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