A Different World

ADifferentWorldImagine stepping out into an environment unlike anything you’ve ever seen, where danger is ever-present and even the weight of your own body is unfamiliar. Imagine being filled with such wide-eyed curiosity that it is worth risking everything simply to experience and learn about something utterly new.

What is the furthest you have ever been outside your comfort zone? Why did you choose to go there?

One thought on “A Different World”

  1. The furthest I’ve been out of my comfort zone is when I wore a dress on stage during a concert. Back then, people still mistook me for a girl and the dress code required girls to wear dresses. I changed that rule by taking it up with school administrates and changed my body to prevent it from ever happening again, but those things take time and the concert happened first. I chose to wear that dress that evening because playing music was more important to me than my psychological comfort. It was horrible, but it was worth it – not only because of music, but because the extreme distress allowed me to come out to myself and to make the needed changes in my life.

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