
StopwatchWouldn’t it be great if a stopwatch would actually stop and restart time, rather than just stopping and starting a timer? I’m afraid the closest we’ll ever be able to come to that fantasy is to learn to be fully present and alive in the moments that we are given.

If you could pause time for some bit of your life, what moment would you choose?

One thought on “Stopwatch”

  1. Rod Serling, prolific screenwriter and fellow UU, wrote a Twilight Zone episode entitled “A Kind of Stopwatch” (episode 124) that speaks to this fantasy. As with most of Mr. Serling’s stories, it has a deeper meaning than might be first apparent. The moral for me was, be content living in the “here and now”. I think the option to freeze time, even for a moment, would diminish the experience no matter how happy, sensual or savory it might be at that particular instant. Time moves forward and waits on nobody. It’s why each moment is precious and shouldn’t be taken for granted.

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