Labor Day

LaborDayNone of us are self-sufficient – we all depend on the work of others for our comfort and our daily survival. Whatever the work you do, perhaps you can take a moment this Labor Day to honor all the ways in which the work others engage in contributes to your well-being.

What work would you love to do? What work are you really grateful someone else takes on, and you don’t have to?

3 thoughts on “Labor Day”

  1. The tough, dirty jobs like garbage collection and farm work. I’ve done them in the past and it’s not a picnic. It’s necessary, honest work. We would be in trouble if nobody did it. Those folks deserve our respect and a decent paycheck for their efforts.

  2. While it isn’t what I dreamed of doing, I’m grateful that I’m able to work at a workshop for disabled people. It exposes me to people outside of my family and it comes along with support for life in general. It’s only 2 € an hour, but the money is nice as well.

    I’m grateful that other people are willing to be physicians, including vets and surgeons. I wouldn’t be able to do those things, but those close to me and I have been saved by the people who can.

  3. In reply to the first part of the question, most of the time I feel like I am already doing my dream job as an electronics specialist and lead technician. I honestly never could have imagined doing this years ago when I was hanging off of the side of a garbage truck or doing stoop labor in the fields. Today, I’m grateful for those experiences because they helped shape me into who I am and gave me a true sense of appreciation for what I have.

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