
GeckoNewts are small, delicate amphibians that would make a perfect snack for all kinds of larger creatures, except for one thing – they are poisonous, and their bright skin serves as a warning to would-be predators.

How do you let others know not to mess with you without ever going on the offense?

One thought on “Newt”

  1. My body language. My inner confidence projects itself outward in subtle and often unintentional ways. I never really understood this about myself until someone commented on my daughter’s mannerism. She was 11 years old at the time and engaged in a serious conversation with an adult. She was firm but respectful and she managed to make her point quite well. As I observed this interaction I noticed her posture and facial expressions. I knew immediately where she acquired those traits. I was looking at myself. After the conversation was over, the adult (a school official) looked at me and proclaimed, ” She has quite a presence!”. That was a moment of self awareness for me.

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