Sit a Spell

SitASpellWhat could be more inviting than a rocking chair on a front porch? It is the embodiment of an invitation to sit and relax, to chat, to look for neighbors coming by and to simply watch the world as it passes.

What is your favorite way to relax and invite the world to stop by?

2 thoughts on “Sit a Spell”

  1. This reminds me of my Uncle Steve. He has taught me how to have a relationship with my adult children. Uncle Steve never had kids, but was super involved with my brother and I and took on his step daughter like his own. As an adult I have gained a new appreciation for his interactions with me. He is selfless and attends my crazy events and participates. He asks questions and gets to know my friends and my now husband. He takes interest. Now that my kids are older teens, when I interact with them I ask. How would Uncle Steve respond to me? And my relationship with them is blossoming! I am so grateful. It is easy to blow off invitations from teens like when my daughter wanted me to meet her on her college campus for coffee or stop by the house she is thinking of moving to with roomates. But if I make some extra effort and get out of my comfort zone, we make some beautiful new connections and build awesome memories!

  2. Just back from a 2-week cruise. So it’s sitting on the boat deck in silence with only the sound and feel of the waves shushing by.

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