Spring Equinox

SprinEquinoxThe weather may or may not be warm, but there can be no denying that in the Northern Hemisphere the daylight has been growing longer and longer, and now the light and the dark are in the moment of balance.

What helps you to notice growing light when all around you feels cold?

3 thoughts on “Spring Equinox”

  1. I need to go outside everyday to see the world beyond my little world. I need to do this to defocus on myself to see that things may not be as bleak as I may see it subjectively.

  2. There is an article in the March 24 Issue of the New Republic by Helen Vendler titled:” How Emily Dickinson Actually Wrote Her Poems.”
    The short answer to he question how is: with great care, persistence and effort. The joyful message is that each poem was finally crafted to Emily Dickinson’s satisfaction. We who read her work some a century and a half later and all her fans past and future are so greatly favored! This is just, I imagine, what Emily Dickinson intended.

  3. Ironically, I’m watching the increasing daylight with dread. I don’t handle heat well and despise both ticks and gadflies, which means that I’m not all too fond of summer. I’m trying to enjoy the coolness while it lasts and keep reminding myself to look for the positives even in negative situations, such as the flowers that are now blooming.

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