A Resting Place

HoldingOnYou might think of a resting place as a couch or bed or chair, a broad expanse of lawn or a bench with a view. But there are times for resting even in times and places that might feel precarious.

Where have you found a place of rest in a tenuous time?

2 thoughts on “A Resting Place”

  1. When I was working at 43rd & 3rd in Manhattan and going to school at night, I would go one trainstop past my work station and go to Gantry State Park in Long Island City to catch about a half hour of zzzs before I headed into work. It was right on the East River and was wonderfully peaceful.

  2. The “place,” more often than not, isn’t anywhere in space. The time spent in good company of any kind is profoundly refreshing.

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