Presidents’ Day

PresidentsDayPresidents’ Day—or President’s Day—honors the birthday of George Washington. And Abraham Lincoln. Some places. But then, some places just honor Washington, and some include Thomas Jefferson. And some states honor all presidents with the day, although goodness knows some presidents are less deserving of honor than others. Maybe what we need is Leaders’ Day, when we honor all those who step forward to get things done.

How are you a leader?

One thought on “Presidents’ Day”

  1. Yes, I am a leader, now in smaller ways than when I was employed. In the UU fellowship in which I am a charter member, I assume responsibilities for the Sunday services MUSIC and am the leader of the ART Committee. Every two-three months we change exhibits. We try to have interesting, sometimes controversial but always attention-getting displays in our building. One time we displayed T-shirts with challenging comments! We sometimes feature original art. Both committees have their challenges since we are a 40–50 member and visitor group and need to draw on both fellowship and outside sources. At one time, I also chaired our American Cancer Society “Relay For Life” team.

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