All plants are solar energy systems, storing the sun’s energy to power themselves—and the beings who eat them. It’s just that some plants taste more like sunlight than others.
What helps you to feel like you are storing energy? How do you pass that energy along?
I haven’t yet found something that consistently helps me regain energy and that doesn’t sometimes backfire. Journaling comes closest; using my biofeedback devise, meditating, and coloring all work at least some of the time.
Martin, I seem to read into your comments that journaling is a lifesaver for you. I hope that I can learn by your
example to use it too. I know it would be a help to me.
During these days of my life, the replenishment of energy comes to me with rest and sleep. I use it when I must; I am retired and have that opportunity. I once had a friend who, when not energetic or not feeling well, slept the hours away and then was re-vitalized. I follow her example.