
WAVE 4A shadow casts a distorted image, taller or shorter depending on the angle of the sun. Details are lost, and as anyone who has played with making shadow images on a wall knows, you can end up with shadows that look like things that really aren’t even there. And yet, when we’re walking around, our shadows are the only way we can see ourselves.

How might your image of yourself be distorted from what other people see?

2 thoughts on “Shadow”

  1. I often played “shadow tag” with our grandson as a game worthy of a wee one.

    It occurs to me that, much like a painting, it makes a difference what and where the light source is as to how the shadow appears.

    In the game of tag, once one of us was tagged, the other would say, “you’re it!”

  2. Just today when the waning light was touching my blooming azalea out in the front yard, I dashed out to memorialize it in a photo or two. As I moved from one spot to another, I realized that the shadow showing was ME! I almost talked to it by saying “Get out of my way, shadow!”, That’s called talking to yourself, right? What others perceive of me could well be just a shadow, not my real self. I hope not, however.

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