Mother’s Day

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHappy Mother’s Day to every woman who has given birth. And all the women who wanted to but weren’t able. And all the women who gave birth to a child they were not able to raise. And all the women who mother children they adopted or fostered. And all the women who are not parents, but care for children anyway. And all the nurturing men who do the things that society thinks of as “mothering.” And all the people don’t have children, but who work for a world in which children can thrive.

Who do you honor this Mother’s Day?

One thought on “Mother’s Day”

  1. I honor Kath, who became one of the best and most noble “step” mothers I have known. Within a second marriage for both, and including her husband’s first wife as a close friend, Kath has assumed the role of loving, caring, being responsible, serving as a giving mother for three of Brad’s children and more than five grandchildren. Trips, parties, graduations sicknesses, problems all entered her life when she married Brad; never have I seen her fail to carry out every responsibility of a mother, grandmother and perhaps great-grandmother. This family’s life has been richer with Kath’s love than it could ever have hoped to be.

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