Your heart is not made of cogs and springs and little bits of machined metal. But it is a pump made of muscle, and if all goes well it does work like a well-oiled machine. The mystery and wonder is not in how a heart works. The mystery and wonder is in the fact that it works at all.
What known, predictable, ordinary thing fills you with wonder?
That is a really cool picture. 🙂
There are a lot of ordinary things that fill me with wonder, but that I personally don’t fully understand:
– the act of thinking
– the creation of sound through an instrument or the playing of a CD and how that sound turns into music, which in turn affects my emotions
– computers
– evolution
…and the list goes on and on
But that wasn’t the question. What do I myself understand the functioning of and am still in awe of?
Writing, whether of words or of music. Someone makes a few marks and can thus communicate with someone hundreds of years in future.
We are so used to the revolution of the spheres and the appearance of the stars in the sky. Now that we know so much more from the aspect of scientific knowledge than earlier civilizations did, it still seems that there are many awesome aspects. I watched a TED presentation recently at which the speaker said that we very likely are on the verge of finding out if there ARE other forms of life on other planets that are remarkably similar to ours in life sustaining qualities. Every day, the same questions come to my mind. In the evenings I stand gazing upward and outward, wondering if…??