A Larger Presence

Fog in neighborhoodPerhaps you are feeling spindly and small, too fragile for the work that is required of you. But behind each of us is a larger presence: the memory of heroes who have gone before us, the knowledge of those who have shaped us, the presence of a Larger Love that upholds us.

What larger presence sustains and upholds you?

2 thoughts on “A Larger Presence”

  1. I tend to think of small presences like the friendships I’ve held dear through my life experiences. There have been times when I anticipated problems or unpleasant happenings and so often friends or even strangers have surprised me with good deeds or presents or help. Perhaps I haven’t dug deeply enough to consider why people do this for me. Yes, I will consider that there is a LOVE force somewhere that engages so many to “Love their neighbor”. What a gift this is to us.

  2. What sustains me? What bouys me up? I am sustained and inspired by those around me who I admire and emulate. My wife and children do that for me. My experience seeing young men and women at Walter Reed Army Medical Center made me pause and caused me to feel good about our Nations future, knowing that those young men and women are out there carrying on with their lives after what they had been through.

    I am constantly inspired by the sight of those people who I see overcoming adversity and personal tragedy. Doing so boldly, with pride, or humbly proud also. There are inspirations all around us.

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