A Single Blooming Tree

Ravenna GorgeThe rest of the trees may be wearing winter drab, but one tree has decked herself in an extravagance of lace. Neither the barren trees nor the blooming one are wrong. Sometimes, even in the middle of the long slog of a hard time there is an explosion of joy.

When have you been surprised by joy or beauty?

One thought on “A Single Blooming Tree”

  1. A wonderful surprise happened yesterday!! I was sitting in the swing in the front yard and suddenly the little wren, one of a pair from the back yard, came and momentarily sat and twittered loudly on a front yard ornament as if to say “I’m back and we are nesting again in your bluebird house!” I believe (but am not an educated birder) that the pair comes regularly. However, last year the bird box wasn’t ready for them all season; I think they found their way back “home” again this year. What a joy.

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