A Big Mouth

A Big MouthHas anyone ever told you that you have a big mouth? Certainly there are times when it’s best if we manage to hold our tongues. But change in the world happens largely because of the people who are willing to open their mouths, and keep opening them, until the world listens to what they have to say.

When have you been proud to open your mouth and speak your truth?

One thought on “A Big Mouth”

  1. There are times when the UU fellowship to which I belong holds member meetings. These are infrequent and usually annually. Although I consider myself a more than moderate liberal person, there are times when I think the vote of the majority is completely wrong. It then takes courage for me to be one of the very few who vote contrary to the majority vote. I am proud that I can do this without feeling guilty or isolated from the group. I feel that within a UU fellowship one should be able to do this without hesitation and therefore I do it.

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