Thistles protect themselves with an array of spiny thorns, and there are few animals that would dare to try to eat a thistle. But many birds find thistle seed irresistible, and an opened thistle flower is well worth the prickling on the toes.
What have you braved for the chance to be part of something creative and/or delicious?
Being brave in the face of something strange and maybe dangerous is what is asked of us many times. Not being a physical person, I’m not the dare devil type. However, the most creative, brave, exciting thing I did thirty plus years ago was to join the Peace Corps and work in Peru for two years. For any number of reasons, the language, the bad roads, the illness causing bugs…all seemed like an insurmountable task. I accepted the PROS but avoided the CONS. It was a life changing experience for me and I think, in my small way, I took a bit of the good North America things (culture) to another country in South America. One at a time, a Peace Corps member can make a big difference living in an overseas home that may not have water, elec. lights, flooring, cooking stove, refrigerators, toilets, furniture, heating or cooling in the house but somehow I was open to this change and became a different person then as well as when I returned to North America.