Hitching a Ride

hitchiker - magdeleine  creative commonsWhat a daring way to travel, to simply request of the world at large that you be taken somewhere in the direction of where you want to go. Trusting that the people you meet will be the right people, that the road you take will be the right road. Of course it isn’t safe. Really, what journey is?

What are you willing to put your thumb out there for, ready to take whatever comes?

One thought on “Hitching a Ride”

  1. When I receive medical advice, weigh it with other people’s advice, after “consulting” the internet and then deciding on the best course of action that I can follow, I am willing to say; “Go for it; follow my decision with confidence and allow the persons involved to use their expertise and expect a positive outcome”. Realistically I know that all of us are humans with frailties and this includes those who have chosen to help others as medical professionals. There are other areas of allowing my trust to be active: being a passenger in a airplane; taking my car to the auto repair service; believing that the plumber will solve the household problems…..we put our faith in the abilities of others every day.

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