National Coming Out Day was created as a way to encourage gay, lesbian and bisexual people to “come out of the closet,” to take a step, however small, toward living openly as their full and authentic selves. Whatever your sexual orientation, there really isn’t a bad day to take the next step toward living more authentically as who you really are.
What about yourself do you keep hidden that you would really rather share openly?
Although it’s pretty obvious, I glory in buying inconsequential things that please me, especially if they are “bargains”. Somehow I fit them into my household; most continue to please me for their beauty or even their nonsensical quality. I’m a “thing ” person.However, my shame is in the fact that I know that by buying these things that are essentially unnecessary, I then do not or cannot contribute to causes that are worthy ones and that I believe in. If I could turn this process around, I’d feel a lot better about myself.
I honestly don’t know who I am anymore. I know I’m bisexual and I have Asperger’s and bipolar. I know I’m a homemaker. I know I sing tenor. Otherwise, I’m not well-defined.
I used to make art. I haven’t lately. I even had that room painted a nicer color so I’d want to go in there to make art.
I used to read a lot more than I do. (To be fair, though, much of that decrease is because I get headaches a lot, so not just laziness.)
I used to have a reputation for being smart, but lately I come across as boring and mediocre at best. I notice how people talk to me condescendingly. I’m awkward, but I’m not stupid. I miss being smart.
I don’t know how, but I want to be my(best)self again, and bring that into the world.