“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough for those who have little.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt
What does economic progress look like to you?
One thought on “The Test of Our Progress”
Within a capitalistic nation, it is difficult to change the philosophy of those who succeed if the goal to be successful is based on financial accomplishments and acquisition.Those who succeed have to understand that all those within a society are not going to succeed by that definition. However, human nature can intervene and encourage the successful to share with those who do not have the very basics of living. However, there are places I have been where I have known people with little but who have great inner happiness. Determining what happiness is is the root of solving this situation.
Within a capitalistic nation, it is difficult to change the philosophy of those who succeed if the goal to be successful is based on financial accomplishments and acquisition.Those who succeed have to understand that all those within a society are not going to succeed by that definition. However, human nature can intervene and encourage the successful to share with those who do not have the very basics of living. However, there are places I have been where I have known people with little but who have great inner happiness. Determining what happiness is is the root of solving this situation.