It’s hard to get all your ducks in a row when there are just so many ducks. Abundance is great, but sometimes it would be a lot simpler if there fewer choices, fewer options, fewer demands.
What helps you to simplify when the sheer number of ducks gets overwhelming?
When I feel like I have too many ducks, I go kayaking and hang out with the ducks. I find that it helps me think clearer and get things back into perspective.
Priorities. I must ask which are the most important ducks, and let the other ducks float by without my attention.
I give myself a rest; if there is something imperative to address, I answer it in the best way I can and then let time take over. Sometimes I cancel a plan I’d made, telling myself that I can’t attend that function. Other times, I have the answer clearly for prioritizing after a good nap. It all depends. I realize this is an avoidance technique but it works for me and I haven’t lost any friends over it (yet?)