Follow the Signs

signs - morguefile freePlenty of people believe that they are granted signs by God or the universe to guide them along their path. But what if you are entirely surrounded by signs? What if every bush and street and passer-by carries meaning and significance? Everything you need to know might just be out there, hidden behind a great mass of information.

What have you experienced as a sign that guided you on your journey?

One thought on “Follow the Signs”

  1. When I see someone else doing a good deed or a specific caring act for another whether it be to our species or to another, I take it as a sign that the human race is essentially good in nature. I also take it personally and say to myself “I can do things like that too”. There are these kinds of signs all around us if we watch for them . The parent who has the disabled child and is patiently steering him or her around the grocery store and letting the child pick some things he/she wants makes me think of the years of devotion that have been given. This is a powerful sign to us, I believe.

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