Sometimes you can see the other shore, but you just can’t figure out how to get there. It isn’t easy to stay in that place of waiting and wondering, but that tends to be the place where the solution eventually appears. The boat out on the horizon might be headed your way.
What are you waiting for?
What am I waiting for? For me, it was always the next great ‘thing” that I just knew was out of sight. Today, I am trying to see the beauty of the horizon. Patiently awaiting the future as an adventure to be revealed in its right time. However, my patience is hard to manage.
Just a snippet; I checked your profile and liked your BRONX thing. I lived in Brooklyn a year and almost married Dave who had an apartment in the Bronx; did I miss out on a lot?? I guess I’m the one with the answer…
I am waiting for news. Then I can move. My future is entirely not under my control right now, if it ever was.
I checked your profile and see you are in Madrid. I have various times of relationships with things Spanish. Trips to Central America, living in Peru while in the Peace Corps and one to Salobrena on the southern Spanish coast. I wonder if you will move within Spain or go on to other sites.
Hello Patt, that’s the question I still can’t answer. I’ve been in Madrid for 16 years and I may stay here, I may go (where? I don’t know), I may move within the city. I really don’t know. All I do know is I’m not buying any furniture right now, since I might have to move it, which would be an unnecessary inconvenience.
Sorry for not answering sooner, but I was out of town this weekend at a conference.
How pleasant, Sue, to receive your reply. To me, living in Espana for a period of time would be wonderful; however my days of spending on big travel are over, I think. May your next spot be the best ever…and not having furniture to encumber you is a wise decision.
Truthfully I wait for replies to my comments on this Daily Compass site with impatience. It makes me want to discuss ideas that evolve with the monthly themes as well as the daily (or absent) comments that I find. I fact, I often go back a day of two to see if others have added comments. I suppose that I should indulge in other social media forms but so far I haven’t done so. Perhaps when there is a lack of interplay, it is because we are strangers to each other, but since we have all found the UU supported site, it has seemed to me that we have some reasons for
mutual discussions on the Daily Compass. Well, anyway, I’ll continue thankfully to glean what I can from each day’s entries, including my own, since I find it diary-like for me to enter my thoughts here.