Any vessel, however seaworthy, needs time in port to refuel, to load or unload cargo, to lay in provisions or otherwise prepare for the next journey.
What is your favorite place to drop anchor and prepare for the next leg of your journey?
One thought on “At Anchor”
Although I have three specific spots at which I drop myself down in my home, I’ll pick the seminal one, where most planning is made for the next step in my journey: it is the left hand seat on my black sofa (which is a sleeper sofa for guests) in my modern black/white decorated living and dining room. The light is good; the seat is comfortable; there is a portable desk top at the side and a small table holds tools holding things related to reading the newspaper, clipping it, and marking titles and topics. The TV remote is there (although slightly used these days) and plenty of pillows at the other end that I can pull over and use to bolster myself as needed. Morn noon or night may find me there, contemplating. PS: the other two spots are the kitchen table and the piano bench.
Although I have three specific spots at which I drop myself down in my home, I’ll pick the seminal one, where most planning is made for the next step in my journey: it is the left hand seat on my black sofa (which is a sleeper sofa for guests) in my modern black/white decorated living and dining room. The light is good; the seat is comfortable; there is a portable desk top at the side and a small table holds tools holding things related to reading the newspaper, clipping it, and marking titles and topics. The TV remote is there (although slightly used these days) and plenty of pillows at the other end that I can pull over and use to bolster myself as needed. Morn noon or night may find me there, contemplating. PS: the other two spots are the kitchen table and the piano bench.