A Beacon

lighthouse  morguefileOn a sunny day no one needs a lighthouse. But if the lighthouse is not built and maintained on the sunny days, it won’t be present when needed on the stormy nights.

What do you cultivate so that you will have it when you need it?

4 thoughts on “A Beacon”

  1. Two rubber bands on anything I hope to keep together in order, (whenever possible, depending on the “things”). My motto is that if one breaks, the other will take over on the job! I’m pretty much a two is better than one-r person. Usually it works but life always has its surprises: two sometimes fails me!! …but I’m willing to give it a try anyway.

  2. I always have a Plan B, in theory. Plan B is the confidence that if Plan A fails there will be a Plan B. There is always a Plan B. That’s my “lighthouse”.

    1. Pamela, I appreciate your statement. Recently I talked with a young Nigerian who is seeking a way to stay in the United States as a loyal citizen since he was born here but was raised in Nigeria. He is hoping for guidance and support to pursue a career and he say “When one way doesn’t; work, there’s always another path”. Glad to hear that you use Plan B strategy too.

  3. Lighthouses hold a fascination for many people. Your insight about building and maintaining them in good weather is right on. I tend to think of them as a presence – knowing that they are there as markers when it is difficult to see or when turbulence makes it difficult to hold a steady course.

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