
handcuffs-pixabay cc0You might think that staying focused on yourself would be a good route to freedom, but it turns out that if you are locked to yourself, your options become severely limited.

How have you found freedom by looking beyond yourself?

One thought on “Handcuffed”

  1. Wow, “freedom looking beyond yourself?” Seems to me this is the basic question of humankind.
    One can only try to accomplish this – but I think it helps to have a core belief as a goal and reminder. I find three conclusions helpful: Humility, Empathy, and “Nobility.” I had nothing to do with being here, and little to say about when it is over – that power which enabled it is, for me, “God.” Once I have an experience – either good or bad – I try to learn from it – which gives me empathy for what others experience – and relate to. The last one, “nobility” can have an exclusive ring to it, but that isn’t the way in which it is intended – it means that there is awareness of perception by example – so believe and act the future in (Robert Frost) – tests and trials come – act confidently – some are watching! I guess this may qualify as a form of freedom – beyond oneself ..

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