The moon waxes and wanes, hides behind clouds and then reemerges, flirting.
What do you love for its changing nature?
One thought on “The Shifting Moon”
A smile on someone’s face that seems to erupt in happiness, agreement or friendliness is so welcome! It seems, to me, to establish an immediate human connection. Some say to practice smiling: smiling makes a person feel happier, they say. Perhaps this is true but it feels false to me. Genuine smiles are much to be preferred, even if fleeting.
A smile on someone’s face that seems to erupt in happiness, agreement or friendliness is so welcome! It seems, to me, to establish an immediate human connection. Some say to practice smiling: smiling makes a person feel happier, they say. Perhaps this is true but it feels false to me. Genuine smiles are much to be preferred, even if fleeting.